
The MUSIC of India is one of the oldest unbroken musical traditions in the world.The basis for Indian Music is “SANGEET”. SANGEET is a combination of three artforms: VOCAL MUSIC, INSTRUMENT MUSIC and DANCE.The present system of Indian music is based upon two important pillars: RAAG and TAAL.  RAAG is the melodic form while TAAL is the rhythmic


MUsic is the soul of Language……

I wonder if there is such a thing as a good addiction, because I am addicted to music. Without music, my day is completely empty and boring.

Music is a mode of human expression ……..

Every musical composition tells a story. The synthesis of a work reflects the human condition and provides listeners with a window through which to view its composer. At times, music serves to enhance the written the word and, in the absence of written expression, communicates on its own. Music is the creation of culture, emotions, feelings, and surroundings that reflect the human condition as well as the condition of its creator.

MUSIC is a form of art that involves organized and audible Sounds and Silence. Common elements of MUSIC are PITCH, MELODY and HARMONY, RHYTHM AND DYNAMICS.. Music is composed and performed for many purposes, ranging from  religious or ceremonial purposes, or as an Entertainment product for the market place.The musical career of Tansen is another landmark in the development of Indian Music !!!

The union of Music to Words is most important, because Words can represent the cause of the frame of mind, the object to which it refers, and the feelings which lies at its root. While Music expresses the kind of mental translation which is due to the feelings..


When Words and Music comes together in Song, Music swallows words, not only mere words and literal sentences, but even literary word structures poetry.  Song is not a compromise between Poetry and Music through the text taken by it is a great poem, Song is Music.


Music is a rhytmic melody which soothens the mind and give solace to the heart….